Universal media server ps4 java
Universal media server ps4 java

If I disable the windows firewall completely I can access. These rules are for the 'Private' and 'Domain' profiles and I'm connected to a 'Private' network. UDP: Local Ports all, Remote Port 1900, with the Remote IP Scope set to 'local subnet' TCP: Local Ports all, Remote Ports 5001, 5002, 9001, with the Remote IP Scope set to 'local subnet' UDP: Local Ports 1900, Remote Port all, with the Remote IP Scope set to 'local subnet' TCP: Local Ports 5001, 9001, Remote Port all, with the Remote IP Scope set to 'local subnet'

universal media server ps4 java

I've followed the instructions from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8461 on which ports to allow and have done so by creating and enabling the following rules.

universal media server ps4 java

Even though I've added rules allowing TCP connections on that port. I can't access that address ( ) without disabling windows firewall.

Universal media server ps4 java